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Mirza Fatali Akhundov

Mirza Fatali Akhundov the founder of the Azerbaijani dramaturgy. Akhundov single handedly opened a new stage of development of Azerbaijani literature.

His profession of a writer is divided into to four parts. He has written poets under the name ``Sebuhi``. His famous work in this genre is The Oriental Poem to lament the death of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. He has written poems in classic, social and satirist genre.

He has created pearl as "Aldanınış kəvakib" (1857) (The Deceived Stars) in prose genre, the second name is "Hekayəti-Yusif şah". This play is the first example of our realist prose. He created Theoretical works about poetry, dramatic composition, Philosophical aesthetic articles in different themes.

All comedies of dramatis is called "Təmsilat" "Hekayəti-Molla İbrahimxəlil kimyagər", "Hekayəti-Müsyö Jordan həkimi-nəbatət və dərviş Məstəli şah caduküni-məşhur", "Sərgüzəşti vəziri-xani-Lənkəran" (1850), "Hekayəti-xırs quldurbasan" (1851), "Sərgüzəşti-mərdi-xəsis" ("Hacı Qara" 1852) və "Mürafiə vəkillərinin hekayəti" (1855).

Akhundov was born in 1812 in Nukha (present-day Shaki,). His father is from Tebriz. Grandfather was the merchant and came to Nukha. Later in 1834 Akhunddov moved to Tbilisi where he worked as a translator of Oriental languages. "Molla İbrahimxəlil kimyagər" is his first comedy.