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Teatr xadimləri   Teatrşünaslar

Aydin Talibzadeh

Talibzadeh Aydin Aga Yunus oglu - Specialist in drama study, critic, member of writers` union (2001), Candidate of art sciences (1989). Aydin Talibzadeh was born in Baku, 1958. after graduating secondary school , he began work in the Azerbaijan radio and television broadcasting company (1975-1976). He got high education in Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts named after M.Aliyev (1976-1981). He was a junior scientific worker in the Azerbaijan National Museum of Art named after Rustam Mustafayev (1983). He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of theatre sciences in the University of Culture and Arts ( from 1983). He has begun to the literary activities from the 1970s. More than 250 works have been printed in Azerbaijan and abroad.

He is carrying out fundamental scientific research work in the field of near and middle east theatre. He is the author of "Faciə: janrın təyininə dair" (1990), "Ustad və Ayna"(2004), "İslam dünyasında teatr və teatrallıq" (2006, rusca), "Şərq teatr tarixi" (2008), "Mehdi müəmması və ya sənətdə konseptual hamletizm" (2009) books. In 2006 he had translated into Azerbaijan `` Myth logical`` by Yakov Golosovker.