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Mikhail Rafili

Rafili Mihkail Hasan oglu – was an Azerbaijani writer, Literary critic, Doctor of Philology (1944), Professor (1945). He was born in Goranboy district of Azerbaijan, in 1905. he got education in Yelizavetpol classic gymnasium. His first works - "Mücadileyi-həyat" story, "Elmə doğru" şeiri və "Qərb mədəniyyəti" articles. In 1927 he got education in Moscow university. In 1935-1936 he got education in St. Petersburg. He wrote plays - "Puşkinin həyat və yaradıcılığı", "Puşkin və Azərbaycan", "M.F.Axundov`` during (1935-1937). He had worked in different positions – teacher in the Azerbaijan state pedagogical university, professor Assistant (1930-1935), scientific worker In the Azerbaijani branch of the USSR Academy Sciences (1934-1935).

He died on April 25, 1958.