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Teatr xadimləri   Teatrşünaslar

Mammad Arif

Mammad Arif – was an Azerbaijani critic, translator, pedagogue, prose-writer, he is the member of Writers Union (1936), Doctor of Philology (1955), professor (1955), Honored scientist of Azerbaijan (1960), Azerbaijan State prize Laureate (1974).

Mammad Arif was born in Baku, 1904. he got education in Baku people education insitute (1920-1925). He graduated from Azerbaijan state university and entered Moscow soviet eastern people education institute (1925-1931). He was a Editor of the journal "Vətən uğrunda" (1941-1945). He has written feuilletons for ``Molla Nasreddin`` - "Bədgümanam", "Belə getsə düzələr", "Elan", "Mərsiyə xəbərləri" . He is one of the writers who creative Azerbaijan literature history. His "Azərbaycan xalqının ədəbiyyatı" book has been publishied in Russian, Armenian, English and persian languages. He is also one of the authors who published textbooks to high schools - "Qədim rus ədəbiyyatı (XI-XVII əsrlər)", "Rus ədəbiyyatı (XVIII əsr)" . he had translated books into Azerbaijan.

He died on December 27, 1975.