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Israfil Israfilov

Israfil Ramazan oglu Israfilov was born in Baku, 1949. in 1956 he finished the secondary school and entered Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts in 1967.

He had worked in different positions such as Artistic director in 1 May cultural palace in Baku during 1973 – 1975, director in the National dramatic theatre during 1975-1978, as Pro-rector on scientific work in the State University of Culture during 1989-1991, great adviser in the apparatus of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic in 1991, he was a Head of the Executive authority in The Absheron region during 1991-1992, he was a director in the Nizami museum during 1993-2003 and was a director in the Azerbaijan state culture museum. Prepared spectacles for the stage together with Tofiq Kazimov.

He is th author of books about Theoretical problems of theatre art science, national and world theatre process ( " Sən nə üçün yaşayırsan? dedicated to Imran Qasimov, "Həyatın səhnəsi, səhnənin həyatı", "Düşündüklərim", " Zaman. Rejissor. Poetika " dedicated to Tofiq Kazimov, "Ədil İsgəndərovun teatrı" dedicated to Adil Iskenderov, "Mehdi Məmmədovun rejissor sənəti" dedicated to Mehdi Memmedov, "Azərbaycan milli rejissor sənətinin poetikası").

He received " Qızıl qələm ", " Qızıl dərviş ", " Humay " prizes. He works as teacher in the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts and in the Azerbaijan state conservatory. Since 2010 he works as director in the Academic Drama theatre.