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Teatr xadimləri   Teatrşünaslar

Rahib Huseynov

Huseynov Rahib Abuzer oglu (09.04.1931 - 05.05. 1994). Art doctor (1973).

Professor (1973). Honored artist of Azerbaijan (1974). He graduated from Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. He had worked as head scientific worker In the institute of architecture and art during 1957-58. he was a department chief during 1974-77. he had worked as teacher in the University of Culture and Arts during 1953- 1977, as director assistant in the institute during 1958-1960, as head of the theatre historical chair during 1962-1977.

His works :

``Jafar Jabbarly and modern problems in the theatre`` B. 1968

`` Stage embodiment Jabbarly`s historical dramatics `` B. 1970