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Teatr xadimləri   Teatrşünaslar

Allahverdiyev Mahmud

Allahverdi Mahmud Qara oglu - Theatre critic, Literary critic, Art doctor, Professor, he is the member of Union of Azerbaijani Writers. He was born in Georgia Bolnichi, 1931. he finished secondary school here (1950). He got education in Baku state theatre institute (1952-1956). He had worked in the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts (1955-1962). At the same time he has given lectures in the theatre institute from the theatre history. He began creative work in 1963, with the article about speech culture in the "Azərbaycan kommunisti" magazine. He is one of the authors of "SSRİ folklor teatrı" book , published in Moscow. He had worked as junior worker and head worker in the State University of Culture and Arts (1965-1972), as Assistant professor and Chair head in historical chair of Azerbaijan State culture institute (1972-1978), Pro-rector on teaching and scientific work In the institute (1982-1993). He received the decree of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan (1959) and Medal to differ in the labour (1981) . he died on 2 December, 1999 in Baku.