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Alesker Shariphov

Alesker Memmedtagi oglu Shariphov was born on the 25th of December, 1909 in the Shamakhi district of the Republic of Azerbaijan into the rich family. After the 1902 Shamakhi earthquake, the family moved to Baku. He got education here. Abbasmirze Shariphzadeh and Alesker Shariphov were cousin. He entered Technical school named after Nariman Narimanov to the faculty of Electromechanics. In 1923 got education in Theatre school. He became a member of a drama club at his school, he started acting in serious plays such as "İblis" (Hüseyn Cavid), "Aydın", "Sevil", "Oqtay Eloğlu" (Cəfər Cabbarlı), "Qaçaq Kərəm" (Vano Mçedaşvili).

After graduating Technical school in 1926 he went to Moscow got high education. In 1934 he came back to his homeland Baku and started to work as Producer in the National Drama Theatre. In theatre his first work was "Qızıl çeşmə" by Qurban Musayev. Spectacles such as "Pəri cadu" by Əbdürrəhim bəy Haqverdiyev, "Arzu" by İmran Qasımov, "Bahar" by Məmmədhüseyn Təhmasib, "Oqtay Eloğlu", "Sevil", "Od gəlini" by Jafar Jabbarly, "Nüşabə" by Abdula Shaig, "Lənkəran xanının vəziri" by Mirze Fatali Akhundzadeh, "Məhəbbətin hökmü" by Jabbar Mecnunbeyov, "Səyavuş" by Husseyn Javid and others were successfully put on stage by Alesker Shariphov.

On June 17th, 1943 he was awarded the title of Honored Art worker of Azerbaijan Republic and on May 24th , 1960 was awarded the title of people`s artist of Azerbaijan. He died on September 9, 1982 in Baku.