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Rovhsen Almuradli


Rovshen Almuradli got higer education in Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art.

In 1976-1980 he worked in the Sheki State Drama theatre, in the same years he had performed roles such as – Dovlet bey ``Aydin`` by Jafar Jabbarly, Gasim `` Forests of the edge of The Kur`` by Ekrem Eylisli. In 1980 he had produced spectacle ``Position`` by Ekrem Eylisli. In 1987 he had produced ``First day of the holiday`` by Nazim Hikmet, in Sumgait theatre.

In 1988-1989 he had produced spectacles `` Execution day`` by Y.Samedoglu and ``Closed door`` by V.Sergey in Mingechevir State Drama theatre.


1. Attack (film, 1989)

2. Gezel teller (film, 1991)

3. My Mother`s book (film, 1994)

4. ways go to Freedom (film, 1990)

5. Voice coming from rocks (film, 1995)

6. Hope (film, 1995)

7. Load (film, 1995)

8. Cleoptra (film, 1996)

9. Lights of summer dream (film, 1996)