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Yashar Nuri
(Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theatre)


Yashar Nuri was born on the 3rd of September 1951 in Baku. He died on the 22th of November 2012 in Baku.

Yashar Nuri is one of those legendary actors who personify the best traditions of a nation’s culture in the consciousness of its people. Poems have been written, paintings created and a monument established in honor of a living national artist of the Azerbaijan Republic – Yashar Nuri, the unique master. The most notable thing about Yashar Nuri is that he is the invariable recipient of respect and love. He is theatre actor and in the same time talented Cinema actor, too. He has a number of famous screen images such as - ``When ways met``,`` Ways of the life``, ``in the train``, `` Topal Teymur``,``I am looking for you``, ``Forgive me``, ``Eye doctor`` and others.

His first role in the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theatre was ``Child`` by Alexander Vampilov (1974), ``Voices coming from garden`` by Ilyas Efendiyev (1975), ``Mad meeting`` by Mehdi Mammadov (1978), ``Sevil`` by Fuad and Zemine (1978).