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Shaki State Drama Theatre named after Sabit Rahman

First spectacle was shown in Shaki In 1879 M.F.Akhundov`s play "Hacı Qara" by Enlightener writer Reshidbek Efendiyev in the cocoon storehouse. In 1975 under the guindance of deceased producer Vagif Abbasov and Nazim Bilalov new state theatre had arisen and had earned big successes. In 1977 theatre was awarded to head prize of the festival held in Bolgar Dramaturgy festival with the "Ustalar" by R.Stayanov and received intivation to Bulgaria.

Theatre take oart in different festivals with different plays such as - ``The Tiger and the Hyena`` by Sándor Petőfi in 1978,`` Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui`` by Bertolt Brecht in 1980,`` White illness`` by Chapekin in 1981, `` A Nameless Star ``by Mihail Sebastian in 1982.

Except national playwrights` plays Russian and Western Europe classics` plays were also appealed in the theatre during 130 years.