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Gazakh State Drama Theatre

Gazakh theatre was founded in 1988. First theatre spectacle was shown in 1989, "Dar ağacı" by B. Vahabzadeh. Plays of remarakble writers such as M.F.Axundov, Ə.B.Haqverdiyev, S.Rəhman, A.Şaiq, M.Hüseyn are included in the repertoire of the theatre. Pefromances such as "Alov" (M.Hüseyn), "Evlənmə əhvalatı" (G.Xuqayev), "Udan kim, uduzan kim" (F.Aşurov), "Qızıl bilərzik" (P.Pançev) are included in the repertoire of the theatre.