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Nakhchivan State Musical Drama Theatre

``The Society of Intellectuals `` in Nakhchivan was formed in 1882 under the guidance of Eynali Sultanov. The comedy of M.F.Akhundzadeh ``Monsieur Jordan and Dervish Mesteli Shakh`` was put on stage in 1883. The same history is marked as arisen history of Nakhchivan state musical Dramatic Theatre.

The comedy of ``Molla Ibrahimkhalil Kimyagar` by M.F.Akhundzadeh was staged in 1887. the spectacles was prepared by Jalil Mammadguluzadeh and Alimammad Khalilov and spectacle was shown in Haci Necef Zeynalov`s house. The main roles performed Jalil Mammadguluzadeh ( Milla Ibrahimkhalil), Alekber Suleymanov ( Sheikh Salah), Məmmədtağı Səfərəlibəyov (Molla Həmid) . After this spectacle theatre amateurs have become more active in the city. A number of spectacles has been played during years. spectacles was shown in Novruz and Qurban Holiday has passed more bombastic. Process of showing concerts and spectacles has more revivesed when Students came to homeland.

Plays such as Əbdürrəhim bəy Haqverdiyev "Dağılan tifaq", "Bəxtsiz cavan", "Pəricadu", "Millət dostları", "Ac həriflər", Nəriman Nərimanov "Nadir şah", Cəlil Məmmədquluzadə "Ölülər" dramları, Sultanməcid Qənizadən, Mirmahmud Kazımovskin, Rəşid bəy Əfəndiyev Vaudevilles, Nikolay Qoqol "Müfəttiş", İvan Turgenev "Pulsuzluq" tərcümələri, Üzeyir bəy Hacıbəyov "Leyli və Məcnun", "Əsli və Kərəm", "Şah Abbas və Xurşid banu" operettas, "Məşədi İbad", "Ər və arvad", "Arşın mal alan", Zülfüqar bəy Hacıbəyov "Əlli yaşında cavan", "Evliykən subay" were successfully performed at the stage of the theatre in 1900-1920s. producers of the spectacles were Rza Təhmasib, Böyük xan Naxçıvanlı, Fərəculla and Nəsrulla Şeyxovs. Stage works has not been played in the regular, first of all has been shown in holidays and indifferent ceremonies.

In Nakhchivan created "El güzgüsü" ( Chief Rza Tehmasib) and "İmdad" dram groups, in 1917. Huseyn Arablinsky, Jalil Bagdadbekhov, Sidqi Ruhgulla, Mirzeaga Aliyev, Zulfuqar Hacibekhov have done efficient works in the forming of theatre group and musical staff. After graduating from the Tiflis art school in 1915 Behruz Kengerly ( first theatre painter) came to his come city. He prepared theatre decores, have drawn different panoramas to curtains. Able young as Rza İsfəndiyarlı, Heydər Muradov, Muxtar Nəsirov, Hacı Nəsirov, Məşədi Bağırov, Teymur Qasımov have been involved to the troupe.

Theatre troupe begun to activity with more stronger staff in 1920. Samad Movle`s coming to Nakhchivan has increased reviving in the theatre process. Nakhchivan state theatre was founded in 1923. With the M.F.A`s play "Hacı Qara" was founded professional Nakhchivan state theatre. The main roles performed Əli Xəlilov (Hacı Qara), Həsən Səfərli (Heydər bəy), T.Səfərli (Sona), Mirhəsən Mirişli (Ohan yüzbaşı), A.Qasımov (Naçalnik), Heydər Muradov (Səfər bəy), H.Məmmədov (Kərəməli) . Spectacles was prepared by Həsən Səfərli and Adil Qazıyev. After beginning professional activity Cloak-room of the collective has been enriched, departments of properties have been created.

Spectacles was shown at first two or three times in a week. Bu spectacles should be p;ayed regularly, but not from holiday to holiday.

Plays such as Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadə "Xırs quldurbasan", "Lənkəran xanının vəziri", Nəriman Nərimano "Nadir şah", Əbdürrəhim bəy Haqverdiyevi"Pəri cadu", "Bəxtsiz cavan", Cəlil Məmmədquluzadən "Ölülər", Cəfər Cabbarlı "Aydın", "Oqtay Eloğlu", "Solğun çiçəklər", "Od gəlini", "Sevil", "Almaz", "Yaşar", "1905-ci ildə", Hüseyn Cavidin "Şeyx Sənan", "Knyaz", "Səyavuş", Mirzə İbrahimov "Həyat", Səməd Vurğunun "Vaqif", "Fərhad və Şirin", SüleymanRüstəm "Qaçaq Nəbi", Sabit Rəhman "Toy", Məmmədhüseyn Təhmasib "Bahar", for pupils Əyyub Abbasov "Məlik Məmməd", "Aqil və Sərvinaz", operettas Üzeyir bəy Hacıbəyov "Ər və arvad", "Arşın mal alan", "Məşədi İbad", Zülfüqar bəy Hacıbəyov "Əlli yaşında cavan", "Evliykən subay", Məmməd Səid Ordubadi and Səid Rüstəmov "Beş manatlıq gəlin" were successfully performed at the stage of the theatre in 1924-1950s.

Theatre has kept in different systems in the repertoire some mugham operettas such as "Leyli və Məcnun", "Əsli və Kərəm", "Aşıq Qərib".