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Nakhchivan State Puppet Theatre

Nakhchivan State Puppet Theatre was founded In 1989, 14th of September. A number of interesting spectacles such as Ə.Abbasov «Keçinin qisası» (On the basis of motives of tale «Şəngülüm, Şüngülüm, Məngülüm» by A.Şaiq), T.Ağayev «Jırtdanın kələyi» (1900), Ç.Ələsgərov «İbrət dərsi» On the basis of motives tale «Sirlər xəzinəsi» by Nizami Gənjəvi - was a 12th-century Azeri poet) , J.Məmmədquluzadə «Çay dəsgahı» (1991), Ə.Qasımov «İnanmayaq tülkülərə» (On the basis of motives of tale «Tülkü həjjə gedir» by A.Şaiq, 1992), K.Ağayeva «Göyçək Fatma» (1993), «Tıq – tıq xanım» (1994) and «Məlik Məmməd» (1995; On the basis of motives of the people tales) J.Kərimov «Nəğməkar bülbül» (1997; On the basis of motives of the people tales), A.Ağaqızı «tənha Əhməd» (1999) were included in the repertoire of the theatre in different years.

«Jəsur dovşan» by V.Rzayev put on stage in 2000.

Theatre plays an important part in the forming of national- spiritual moral of Children and juveniles.

In different years theatre was on tour to Baku (1991), Turkey republic, Erzurum Region (1994), İzmir (1995) and Van region (1997), Islamic Republic of Iran , Urmia (1994) .