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Dövlət teatrları

Mingachevir state Drama Theatre

Mingachevir (is the fourth-biggest city in Azerbaijan). Was restored in 1968 ( since 1974 named after M. Davudova). Opened in 1969 With the play of ``Almas`` by Jafar Jabbarly.

Except national playwrights` plays Russian and Western Europe classics` plays were also appealed in the Mingachevir state drama theatre.

A number of interesting spectacles such as "Kəndçi qızı" (M.İbrahimov), "Mahnı dağlarda qaldı", "Unuda bilmirəm" (İ.Əfəndiyev, "Eşq və intiqam" (S.S.Axundov), "Müfəttiş" (N.V.Qoqol), "Hacı Qara" (M.F.Axundov), "Aydın", "Solğun çiçəklər" (C.Cabbarlı), "Haray" (İ.Hüseynov), "Ölülər" (C.Məmmədquluzadə), "Yol kənarı" (M.Zarudni), "Qütb ulduzu" (N.Xəzri), "Sərt oyunlar" (A.Arbuzov), "Duman çəkilir" (S.Azəri), "Pəri cadu" (Ə.B.Haqverdiyev), "Günəşli yer" (V.Vinniçenko) were included in the repertoire of the theatre in different years. Talented actors such as V.Məmmədov, N.Rzayeva, artistlər K.Əliyeva, İ.Əlimov, H.Hörmətzadə, T.Şərifov and others had worked at the Theatre.

Head producer of the theatre was R.Almuradov. Today head producer is Z.Q. Abbasov.