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Irevan State Drama TheatreIrevan Azerbaijan theatre takes special place in the historical chronicle of national stage our art. The Irevan theatre necessary to learn in two stages. It has a creative work and style, theatre has passed Complex, inconsistent way. First stage of the theatre is connected with amateur activities. Second stage of the theatre is connected with Azerbaijan State Drama Theatre. One of big cultural centres of the Azerbaijanis was Irevan city in the 19th century. Irevan was the same name khanate center of Azerbaijan. Turkish – Russian school had opened in 1870s. Periodically was held musical evenings, poem meetings. Different ceremony plays, Novruz, Square spectacles in Qurban and Ramadan, "Kosa-kosa", "Qaravəlli" and other plays were shown. In 1882 the play of ``Greediness earns an enemy`` ( Tamahkarlıq düşmən qazanır) was put on stage in the city of Irevan in Mashadi Ismayil`s initiatives. In 1882 it was founded a professional Irevan Azerbaijab theatre in Irevan with this spectacle. The second time this plays was put on stage on April 2nd, 1882 with new performers. The main roles performed by teacher and pupils ( Mirza Khalil Haciyev – Mammadqulu, Rustemkhan Abbasqulukhanov – Fatali Mirza, Mashadi Ismayil –Haci Ferec). Both event has been accepted as important event in the cultural life of the Irevan and considerable intellectual has joined to process of enlightenments. Mashadi Ismayil who do not let theatre process forget put on stage the One-act didactic play "Könülsüz nigah" by Rzayev 10th of March, 1883. A remarkable enlightener , prominent Azerbaijani writer, philologist and literary critic Firudin kocherly had worked hard for the development of the theatre. In the result of his selflessness theatre amateurs have gather together. ``Monsieur Jordan and Dervish Mastali Shakh`` was staged by him. Under the guidance of Firudin bekh kocherly plays such as `` Lənkəran xanının vəziri`` by Mirza Fatali Akhunzadeh (On March 21st , 1888), In the repeated system ``Monsieur Jordan and Dervish Mastali Shakh`` ( on April 4th, 1890), "Hacı Qara" ( on October 20th, 1893), "Könülsüz nikah" by Rzayev ( on February 17th, 1890), "Tamahkarlıq düşmən qazanır" by Vasaq Medetov ( on May 10th, 1892), "Qırt-qırt" ( on November 30, 1893), "Dursunəli və ballıbadı" by Sultanməcid Qənizadənin ( on March 7th, 1895) were staged by him. Nobleman intellectual of the city Təkinskis, Qazıyevs, İrəvanskil, Pənah xan Makinski have shown spiritual and material help to Process of theatre becoming stronger gradually.Yunis Nuri started his activity in 1897. Since 1890 he started work as producer and actor. He has achieved more revivesing of the Professional theatre and spectacles began showing often. Pənah xan Makinski organized spectacles in his palace to guarding stage amateurs from the trouble-making of the prejudice, ignorance. At the beginning of the twentieth centure theatre spectacles was played in the building of "İctimai yığnaq" (intellectuals club), Canpoladov brothers . Unity had already arisen in the company. Hüseyn Salmanov, Məmmədağa Şahtaxtlı (Şahtaxtinski), Rza Şeyxzadə, Mirzə Mustafa Rəcəbov, Asəf bəy Şəfibəyov, Kərim Əhmədov, Əli Məhzun Əkbərov, Mir Abbas and others had worked at the theatre in different years. In 1900-1917s Irevan Azerbaijan theatre has earned serious achievements from point of view Actor performances, Producer work, Repertoire composition. In this years actors of Bkau theatres often came to Different regions of Azerbaijan also to Irevan to perform spectacles. These actors were coming to regions under the guidance of Huseyn Arabslinsky, Abulfat Vali, Sidqi Euhulla, Mirzeaga Aliyev, Jalil Bagdadbekhov, and composer Zulfuqar bekh Haciyev. This tours has given impetus to local actors work more zealouslies. Differently from Baku and Tiflis Azerbaijanian girl has gone out to stage in the Irevan earlier. Tamara ( Qessad Asad`s daughet) started her activity with the play of "Arşın mal alan". Tamara performed Gulcohre in this play. It was big courage and unexampled selflessness for that time. 1918-1927 is important stage in the activities of the Irevan theatre from point of view valuable and forming with aesthetic realities of the professionalism features. In 1928, 15th of March state decision has been about creation State Turkish theatre in Irevan. Organization work has been commissioned to Experienced craftsman, national stage selfless sufferer of our art Ynus Nuri . Local amateurs have organized the base of the troupe. Able young, Azerbaijan State theatre school graduates have been involved to collective from different theatres of Baku. To being as Establishment art centre of the Irevan theatre has been elected comedy of "The Doctor in Spite of Himself" by French dramatist Jean-Baptiste Molière (French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature). The first spectacle of the comedy gave systemby Yunis Nuri has been shown on April 14, 1928. With this event for Irevan Azerbaijan State Drama theatre began second and heavier stage from art aesthetic side .