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Fizuli State Drama Theatre

The Fuzuli region has a tradition of rich theatre. So, Qaryagin Musical State Theatre was created in 1913-14s.

Talented Actors such as S.Şuşinski, Cəmil bəy Bağdadbəyov, Cəmil Vəzirov, Şamxal Vəzirov, M.Əliyev, S.Ruhulla, Məmməd Cavadov, Əyyub Əliyev, Əsəd Cəfərov, Adışirin Əliyev, Zəroş Həmzəyeva, Ağabala Abdullayev, Abdulla Abdullayev, Cəmil Cəfərov, Firuzə Cəfərova, Dilarə Bayramova, Durna Quliyeva, Famil Musayev, Oktay Əhmədov, Suğra Abbasova, Səmayə Ağayeva, Mürşüd Haşımlı Ələkbər Məmmədov, Fehruz Əliyev had worked hard on the development of the theatre.

Spectacles such as "Əsli və Kərəm", ``Leyli and Majnun`` ( by U. Hajibeyov), "Hacı Qənbər" ( by N.B.Vazirov), "Vaqif" ( by S. Vurgun), "Həyat" ( by M. Ibrahimov), "Almaz", "Oktay Eloğlu" ( by Jafar Jabbarly), "Vətən" ( by A. Shaig), "Bahar suları" ( by İ.Efəndiyev) and others were successfully put on stage of the theatre.

Later Hüseynqulu Sarabski had been elected deputy to State Duma in Qaryagin. Theatre was named after a remarkable actor Hüseynqulu Sarabski In 1940-1953s. In fact, Sarabski was the first actor to play the role of Majnun, the lover who becomes "majnun", or mad with love. He played the role of Majnun in many times at this stage. In 1953 Sarabski Theatre was closed. In spite of theatre was closed, continued its activities in the form of people theatre. Actors had created theatre people.

Later based on order of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR number 292 ( on July 5th, 1989) and Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of USSR Azerbaijan order number 3459/1 Fuzulu State Drama theatre was created. Vəliyev Vaqif Zülfü oğlu was appointed director. Aqil Novruzov who had worked in the theatres of Nakhchivan and Mingachevir began work as producer, Anasim Rzayev as Head book-keeper, Elchin Aliyeva as Head administrator of the theatre, Nizami Aliyev as chief of system part of the theatre and Mubariz Piriyev began work as Literary part chief of the theatre. Competition was held for acceptance of primary actor to the theatre.

According to result of the competition the following actors were included to the actor staff of the theatre. Mələksima Həsənova, Abdulla Abdullayev, İntizar Quliyeva, Məryəm Məmmədova, Asif Şirinov, Nizami Əliyev, Tofiqə Məmmədova, Hamlet İskəndərov, Fəxrəddin Salmanov, Əmiraslan Quliyev, Allahyar Əliyev, Vaqif Rəhimov, Dilarə Bəşirova, Lətifə Quliyeva and others.

Spectacles such as "Hacı Qara" by M.F. Akhundov , "Unuda bilmirəm" by I.Efendiyev, "Diribaş adamlar", by V. Shushkin, "Qapıların o üzündə qalan dünya" by S. Sexavet, "Eşq və İntiqam" by S.S.Akhundov, "Toy" by S.Rəhman, "Toya bir gün qalmış" by L.Rəşidzadə, "Qabanın səfəri" by M.Qacar, "Həmyerlilər" by A.Məmmədov, "Dağılan tifaq" by Ə.Haqverdiyev, "Təklif" by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, "Sonrakı peşmançılıq fayda verməz" by N.B.Vəzirov and others were successfully put on stage of the theatre. Since 1992 because of Armenians` attacks theatre moved to Horadiz culture house. Normal activity trainings and normal work regime in Horadiz continues till on August 23th , 1993. Then Fuzuli theatre moved to Sumqayit. Till 2003, November Theatre carried out activity in the Sumqayit State Drama Theatre named after Huseyn Arablinsky based on the order of Ministry of Culture and Tourism the Republic of Azerbaijan. More than 40 very interesting, memorable spectacles were prepared in the theatre during this ten years. Theatre was on tour to Shamaki, Sabirabad, Imishli, Ucar, Saatli, Kurdamir, Bilasuvar, Zaqatala, Balaken and other regions of Azernaijan.

On April 3rd , 2000 theatre celebrated 10th jubilee in Baku. Theatre has participated in many festivals

On June 8th, 2002 Fuzulu Drama Theatre put on stage spectacles "Dərvişin harayı" by N. Vezirov and "Krepin sonuncu lent yazısı" by C.Bekket at the festival "Üfüq XXI".

In 2003 theatre again came back to Horadiz , theatre moved to Horadiz culture house.

Spectacles such as A.P.Çexov "Ayı", L.Rəşidzadə "Toya bir gün qalmış", yeni quruluşda S.Axundov "Bəndalı bəndə düşüb", A.Şaiq "Bir saat xəlifəlik", R.Toma "Tələ", C.Məmmədquluzadə "Kamança", T.Məmmədov "Ana abidəsi", C.Məmmədov və F.Məhərrəmov "Sevməyə vətən yaxşı", S.M.Qənizadə "Nabəkar qonşu", İ.Məlikzadə "Subaylarınızdan görəsiniz",A.Səfərlinin "Qarabağım qan ağlar" .

On April 7th, 2010 theatre put on stage spectacle "Bəndalı bəndə düşüb" by S. Akhundov at the National theatre festival. Today theatre carries out activity at the Horadiz culture palace. Director of the theatre is Vaqif Valiyev, director deputy is Habil Haciyev, head producer is Asif Shirinov, Head painter is Ellinaz Balashiva, Head of literary part is Shelale Karimova, director of Music part is Nizami Suleymanov. At present more than 60 plays put on stage in the theatre.

İ.Əfəndiyevin "Unuda bilmirəm" (Producer Asif Şirinov), S.Dağlının "Oyun bitdi" (Producer Vaqif Rəhimov), Q.Rəsulovun "Məhəbbət oyunu" (Producer Vaqif Rəhimov), Y.Əzimzadə "Nəsrəddin" (Producer Vaqif Rəhimov), İ.Məlikzadə "Subaylarınızdan görəsiniz" (Producer Asif Şirinov), S.S.Axundovun "Tamahkar" (Producer Asif Şirinov), "Şahsənəm və Gülpəri" (Producer Asif Şirinov), N.B.Vəzirovun "Daldan atılan daş topuğa dəyər" (Producer Asif Şirinov), H.Mirələmovun "Vicdanın hökmü" (Producer Asif Şirinov), Ə.Əmirlinin "Onun iki qabırğası" (Producer Vaqif Rəhimov) and others.

In 2012 theatre has prepared the spectacle İ.Əfəndiyevin "Unuda bilmirəm" and introduced to the art council. Now at the theatre collective are training to the spectacle "Yeddi məhbusə" by Ə.Əmirli ( Producer Vaqif Rahimov).