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Tamilla Bunyatova
( Azerbaijan State Puppet Theatre)


Tamilla Faig gizi Bunyatova was born on the 8th of February 1950 in Baku. He get his secondary education in school №190. During 1973-1978 he got higher education in Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art. From 1976 till these days she works in the Azerbaijan State Puppet theatre named after Abdulla Shaig.

Since 1995 she is stage master. Her roles – Fox ``My silence life`` by F.Mammadov, Leon ``Dede Korkud`` by E. Guliyev and A.Abilov, Helli ``Affectionate friends`` by E.Khorvat, Fox ``Court of rabbit`` by M.Guliyev, Dadash ``Magical Mirror`` by Sh.Huseynov, Donna ``My lovely Girat`` by F.Gurbansoy and B.Basqalli, Ayten ``Cungush``, Gaga ``Tale of the waves`` , Tik-tik khanum ``Tik Tik khanum``, Mother``Deli Domrul``, step mother ``Damdabaca``, Fox ``Saz story``, Leylek ``Three tales``, Fatma ``Beauty Fatma``, Dwarf ``Dwarf``, Old woman ``Maiden tower`` and others.