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Svetlana Hekimova
( Sumgayit State Music Drama Theatre)


Svetlana Hakimova worked in Sumgait State Musical Drama Theatre from 1968. In 1978-1990s she worked in Agdam State Drama Theatre, in 1990-1992 in Fuzuli State Drama Theatre. Since 1992 she works in the Sumgait State Musical Drama theatre named after H.Arablisnky.

Her roles in the theatre

Esmiralda ``Yes, the world changes``

Gulush ``Sevil`` by J.Jabbarly

Gulcahan ``Youth of our village`` by A.Ilham

Gulcamal ``the Grief of Fakhraddin`` by N.B.Vazirov


Merited artist, 2000

President prize, 2006