Metanet Atakishiyeva
( Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theatre)
Metanet Atakishiyeva graduated from Azerbaijan state university of culture and art in 1983. In the same year she has been accepted to the Academic Drama theatre, her roles - Gipsy ( ``Satan`` by H.Javid), Female slave (``Atabeyler`` by N.Hasanzadeh), Nanny (``Magical apple`` by Y.Lada), Second girl (``Fire Bride`` by J.Jabbarly), Guler khanum (``ah Paris…Paris! By Elchin), Gulnar (``Vagif`` by S.Vurgun), Seher (``Sheikh Khiyabani`` by I.Efediyev), Spain beauty (``Malik Mammad`` tale spectacle), Garatel (``world without me`` by N.Khazri), Khumar (``Lie`` by S.Rehman).
In 2002 she was awarded the honored title of merited atress.
1. Gumushgol legend (film, 1984)
2. from anywhere (film, 1987)
3. Ivitation (film, 2003)
4. Aline Crane (film, 2003)
5. Javid life (film, 2007)
6. Absurdistan (film, 2008)