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Teatr xadimləri   Aktyorlar

Firangiz Shariphova
( Azerbaijan State Theatre of Young Spectators)


Firengiz Abbasmirze qizi Shariphova was born on the 6th of February 1924 in Baku.

In 1941 she entered Baku Music Academy, in 1947 she has been accepted to the Azerbaijan state musical comedy theatre named after Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, from 1949 he began work in Youth spectators theatre, in 1960 she began work in Academic Drama theatre, in 1960 she was awarded with the honored title of merited actress and in 1969 people`s artist. Her roles in Musical Comedy theatre – Gulchohre ( ``Arsheen mal alan`` by U.Hajibeyli), Durna (``Durna`` by Suleyman Rustemov and Seid Rustemov), Ulduz (``Ulduz`` by Sabit Rehman and Suleyman Eleskerov), her roles in Academic Drama theatre – Hecer (``Robber Nebi`` by Suleyman Rustem) , Refiqe Rehimli (``Fire`` by Mehdi Huseyn), Gulgun ( ``Fire Bride`` by Jafar Jabbarly). She is the daughter of notable actors Abbas Mirze Sharipzadeh and Marziyye Davudova.


1. Abbas Mirze Shariphzadeh

2. When owl came (film, 1978)

3. Mansion for a family (film, 1978)

4. boys of our street (film, 1973)

5. Mountain bread (film, 2007)

6. the mist important interview (film, 1971)

7. Gumushgol legend (film, 1984)

8. special time (film, 1986)

9. Black girl (film, 1966)

10. Karib in Jinns land (film, 1977)

11. Execution day (film, 1990)

12. Good neighboor... (film, 1989)

13. I compose song (film, 1979)

14. long night (film, 1996)

15. Fox goes to Mecca (film, 1971)

16. Uzeyir life (film, 1981)

17. Autumn leaves of the summer day (film, 1986)