Aliyeva Gulustan Hasan qizi
(Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theatre)
Gulustan Aliyeva was born in Yevlax, 1967. She graduated from mugham class middle speciality music-school named after Bulbul. She has learnt the mysteries of the mugam in Azerbaijan State Conservatory in Master of famous mugam, professor Arif Babayev`s class. Since 1997 works in Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theatre. A few lucky images in theatre stage - "Leyli və Məcnun", "Aşıq Qərib", "Gəlin qayası", "Arşın mal alan", "Şah İsmayıl", "O olmasın, bu olsunda". she performs mugams very skillfully. She has represented Azerbaijan mugham in different countries – Iran, Turkey, Moldova, Russia.
In 2005 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Azerbaijan Republic.