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Jebrayilov Elshen
(Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theatre)

Jebrayilov Elshen Shahin oglu was born on the 12th of July, in Baku. He graduated from Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts from the faculty of Dram and cinema actor in 1998. Student times he had worked as ballet artist and actor in Musical Comedy Theatre.

He had created some roles in student times – in the spectacle `` Revenge will not remain to the end of the world`` by H.NECEFZADE played the role of Nurlan, In the spectacle ``Farhad and Shirin`` played the role of Shiruye. Elshen has been accepted to the Academic national drama theatre as actor in 1999. At the same time during this years Elshen has worked in the Baku State Circus in announser post.

His main roles in the Theatre- Shiruyə («Fərhad və Şirin» S.Vurğun), The 3rd applicant («Lənkəran xanının vəziri» M.F.Axundzadə),

Policeman ("Dream in the post department " Elçin) İlyas («Aydın» C.Cabbarlı),

The 2nd actor And captain ( «Hamlet» William Shakespeare),

Patrik («Letters from Brussels » H.Hasanov),

Advocate («Rich woman» A.Amirli),

Fikrət («the second voice» B.Vahabzadə),

Miribəy («Dirilən adam» Mir Cəlal),

Boy («person voice» J.Kokto),

Müsyö Jordan ("Müsyö Jordan və dərviş Məstəli şah" M.F.Axundzadə),

Topuş («Between bees » Elchin),

Lisanoviç («Qarabağnamə» İ.Əfəndiyev),

Son («Teleskop» Elçin),

Narçın («Qanlı Nigar» S.Şendil),

Kote («Xanuma» A.Saqareli).

Elshen Cəbrayılov takes part actively in state ceremonies closely. Elshen has been honoured with "İntellekt" and "Qızıl Buta" prize according to high announcer ability. In 2009 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Azerbaijan Republic.